Fast Turnaround


Unlike advertisements that require extensive meticulous planning such as Ice Cream Bar’s or Salty Turtle’s videos, TV spots or corporate talking heads created with a specific audience in mind can have a fast production output. In the case of our production pipeline, a typical example could be illustrated using a recent production we did for East Coast Sports.

TV Spot Below:


The TV spot above was shot on location, on a Tuesday for an hour and a half. On Wednesday a draft was sent out for review and we received feedback by Thursday afternoon. By Friday afternoon the final version of the TV spot was uploaded to the corresponding TV station’s server. For this TV spot and similar productions, we start with a solid idea from a client or in this case, a script from local TV advertisement guru, Steve Unger from TopAds. The type of work and creative scope of production are factors in the completion, yet, it is our sharp post-production skills that are the larger contributors to our speed.

If you have any questions about this or other works leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Please check out our Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram. Stay creative!


Video Marketing Your Craft Brewery


Ice Cream Shenanigans