Feel The Taste - Coastline Kölsch
The Coastline Kölsch is a crisp beer well suited for the hot days of summer. Its cool and refreshing product colors and its bright taste were the foundation of discussion during our first concept meeting for this advertisement. Sharp concept art and simple animations are at the center of our pre-production process because there isn’t a doubt in our minds about the power these tools have during production. A lot more details went into this production that I want to briefly cover, but first, let us compare the original storyboard with the final product below:
Final Advertisement:
“It’s a way to break through creative barriers and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.”
Storyboards are a great way to articulate what will be recorded, a glimpse of the end product which allows you the space to problem solve and critically think through the process that unfolds during recording. This very breakdown allowed us to focus on the planning that led to the immersive sound design that accompanies the song.
Below is an example of the background audio that was added:
At the time of this edit, Davinci Resolve was very new to me and I think it is also interesting to show the way I decided to mask the opening into the beer can using the color page.
Video Below:
I found a very intuitive way of making that transition using a node plugged to the alpha channel and making use of the qualifier and key frames to mask out what I needed for the transition. I have since discovered that there are better ways of masking in the Fusion page that allow your color process to be cleaner and for changes to be done faster. They’ll surely be projects in the future where I can go into that.